
  • 10.04.2018 13:48:16

Fotis Audio: Sound-engineering ideology from L-Acoustics

The technical preparation of the modern show-event begins long before the installation. Knowing the location and specifications, the acoustic project begins. Modern acoustic design includes venue simulation, selection of optimal equipment for solving the task. Now system engineer must  have, among other things, the skills of a CAD designer and the perfect knowledge of the L-Acoustics Soundvision software.

Consequently, the more perfectly and precisely the venue will be simulated, the more accurately it will be possible to calculate the distribution of sound on it, the better and more predictable result.

Also very important is the mechanical calculation of the acoustic complex. It allows you to determine the actual load and its distribution over the rigging points and adapt the scheme rigging systems to the existing constructional capabilities of the site. Also, the mechanical check of the elements of the system for the strength and distribution of mass centers is programmed.

Simulation allows you to accurately select the optimal set of sound equipment for each specific task.

During the installation and launch of the modern sound system L-Acoustics there are a number of engineering tasks. The use of digital L-Network amplification control protocols, as well as system processors, usually requires configuration and patch with software utilities.

The next step is to set up the audio complex. With the help of measuring and analyzing software packages and measuring equipment, the amplitude-phase tunning of the system elements and its adaptation for the particular venue.

Thus, modern sound engineering requires a diverse experience in different directions:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of CAD and sound modelling software (AutoCAD, Soundvision, Sketchup)
  • Understanding the specifics of all services on the site and the overall vision of the project
  • Knowledge of the features of the rigging mechanics of the suspension of sound systems
  • Using modern data transfer protocols (Dante, etc.)
  • Mastery of system control and amplifiers software (L-Acoustics Network Manager, Lake Controller Software, AudioCore)
  • Professional use of programs for tuning a sound system (Smaart)

So, as we see, for quality and productive work, diverse experience and competence in various fields of knowledge is required.